Bellalike shop

Hi loves

in a few weeks the calendar will be able to spend more time outdoors.

Summer is not only hot days, many women wear dresses in the summer.
Such dresses should be airy and comfortable first of all, right?

However, after comfort and comfort, we still have style and price,
We want to feel great, look great and at the lowest possible cost.

When I was looking for clothes recently, I found a shop that fulfills the conditions:


Shop Bellalike offers us very cool clothes that do not overwhelm our wallet.
This store offers a lot of clothes and even cheap skater dresses .
the choice is huge and really
Although such clothes are not my style, I managed to find two pearls that I recommend to you with a clear conscience, because they are really beautiful:

However, this is just a substitute for what you can find in this store, it's hard to decide on one thing

However, if you prefer feminine styles just like you, you will also find something for yourself
After all, each of us is different. Each of us has a style, but one thing connects us: we do not like (probably) to overpay for clothes.
Bellalike perfectly understand and meet our expectations.
Do not like women's styles and cheaping dress ??
Do you prefer something else ??
And Cheap dresses??
The shop also offers max dresses on sale
I chose two proposals, but it was hard because I would buy the whole store, so many beautiful dresses

Is it true that beauty? ?

I encourage you to familiarize with the offer of this store

Or maybe you know this store?

Let me know in the comments

19 komentarzy:

  1. nie słyszałam o tym sklepie :)

  2. Nie znałam wcześniej tej strony :)

  3. This store looks amazing! It's the first time I hear about it.
    Love dresses for summer!

  4. Znam ten sklep i maja tam wiele ciekawych pozycji :-)

  5. Bardzo ciekawy post :D
    W sklepie bardzo fajne sukienki :D

    Odwdzięczam się za każdą obserwacje:D

  6. Fajny sklep!
    pozdrawiam serdecznie znad filiżanki kawy:)

  7. Hello lili
    This online store has a great offer of dresses, the price is very good and they are super fashion.
    I also clicked.


  8. Nie kupowałam jeszcze tych sukienek, ale modne szpilki do nich muszą być! ;-)

  9. Ta sukienka w kwiaty jest piękna:*

  10. Nigdy wcześniej nie słyszałam o tym sklepie ;) a sukienki mają bardzo fajne!

  11. Pierwszy raz słyszę o tym sklepie ale zajrzę ;p
    :) Pozdrawiam i zapraszam �� ��

  12. Mam tę czarną sukienkę w kwiaty i jest piękna :)
    Zapraszam na nowy post :)

  13. Śliczna sukienki :-) Już mi się podoba! :-)

  14. Nie nam tego sklepu ale ta kwiatowa sukienka jest przepiękna ;)

  15. Ta druga sukienka jest cudna:)

  16. Ten komentarz został usunięty przez autora.


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